€70,000 for clean drinking water

2024, November: BWT pushed beyond the finish line and joined forces with ADAC to raise €70,000 for the b.waterMISSION - a project of the AQUA PEARLS For You and Planet Blue Foundation.
Through 8 thrilling races and an outstanding 12,716 laps of racing, they united for one goal: Providing safe and clean water to rural areas of Africa.
The shared journey is all about driving change in pink! By counting race laps at every DTM race, ADAC and BWT donated a fixed amount of €4 for each lap completed. BWT and ADAC rounded up their contributions, transforming their efforts into vital funds for building 10 new wells.
The shared journey is all about driving change in pink! By counting race laps at every DTM race, ADAC and BWT donated a fixed amount of €4 for each lap completed. BWT and ADAC rounded up their contributions, transforming their efforts into vital funds for building 10 new wells.